Press room (information, announcements, press releases)
Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts
MD 2014, Chisinau, str. A. Mateevici, 87
Tel: 022-24-02-13, 022-23-87-01
Fax: 022-23-82-14, 022-24-02-13
February 22–23, 2022, 10:00 a.m.
AMTAP, Mateevici 87, Great Hall
The conference is organized within the institutional scientific project of AMTAP V alorification and preservation by digitization of the collections of academic and traditional music from the Republic of Moldova.
The proceedings of the Conference will be carried out in two sections :
The topic of scientific lectures and communications includes a wide range of issues :
Current problems of contemporary national and universal composition;
Traditional music;
Folklore and academic music;
Musical creations of composers from the Republic of Moldova in concert practice;
Methodological-scientific assurance of the didactic process in the field;
Bibliographic support of scientific research in the field;
study heritage scientifically of musicology and ethnomusicology from Republic of Moldova.
Forms of participation and regulation: direct, indirect (authors will present materials for publication) and online participation .
Plenary lessons (15 min. + 5 min. Questions).
Lectures (up to 10 min.).
Information communications (up to 5 min.).
Participation in debates (up to 5 min.).
Conditions for participation :
By December 31, 2021, the confirmation of participation in the Conference will be sent in electronic format.
By December 31, 2021, the theses (in lb. of the original) and the keywords (5–10 words in the lb. of the original) will be sent in electronic format - in a volume of 1 page (character 12, range 1.5) . Until the date of the event, a scientific edition is planned in the format of the brochure with the theses of the participants, which is considered a scientific publication.
Deadline for submission of articles in electronic format: 1 January 2022 - in a volume of 5–7 pages (character 12, interval 1.5).
E-mail address for proposals and transmission of scientific materials :